Ukrajina je u subotu rekla da je pogodila objekt za skladištenje i održavanje dalekometnih bespilotnih letjelica Šahed u ruskoj Orlovskoj oblasti, dodavši da je to “značajno smanjilo” rusku sposobnost da izvodi masovne napade dronovima na Ukrajinu. Glavni stožer ukrajinskih oružanih snaga je u priopćenju na komunikacijskoj platformi Telegram objavio da je napad u četvrtak izvelo […]
The main conceptual idea of the text is that Ukraine successfully attacked a drone storage facility in Russia's Orlovskaya region, significantly weakening Russia's ability to launch large-scale drone attacks on Ukrainian infrastructure.
The article highlights that this strike, carried out by the Ukrainian Air Force, destroyed a facility used for storing, maintaining, and repairing Shahed kamikaze drones, a key weapon used by Russia in its ongoing invasion.
Ukraine believes this will significantly reduce Russia's capacity to target civilian infrastructure with drones, which have become a regular feature of the conflict.
The main conceptual idea of the text is that Ukraine successfully attacked a drone storage facility in Russia's Orlovskaya region, significantly weakening Russia's ability to launch large-scale drone attacks on Ukrainian infrastructure. The article highlights that this strike, carried out by the Ukrainian Air Force, destroyed a facility used for storing, maintaining, and repairing Shahed kamikaze drones, a key weapon used by Russia in its ongoing invasion. Ukraine believes this will significantly reduce Russia's capacity to target civilian infrastructure with drones, which have become a regular feature of the conflict.